Sunday, December 10, 2017

Mood - 3. Trending

Average mood: 6.1
Happy: 61.5%
Ok: 17.2%

Unhappy: 21.3%

My average mood seems to have dropped back down to the first measurements. This leads me to believe that 6.1 is probably my baseline. I had a lull in recording and upon returning I noticed that at first, I was only reaching to record when something was going wrong. So that seemed to be a trend that could have dropped the average down a little. In any case, I'm back to recording. Interesting that my "OK" times remained the same. Those originally took a huge leap from 1st to 2nd recording.

One thing I found helpful in mood regulation was the SBNRR technique. I have been reading "Search Inside Yourself" by Chade-Meng Tan recently and he talks about this practice. It stands for Stop, Breathe, Notice, Reflect, Respond. I found myself getting off balance from people who were having bad days. Instead of letting them get to me, I remember to use this technique. Try it out thinking about a recent conversation you had that went poorly. Because of depression I often find myself ruminating, but this can help to turn that around. I highly recommend looking for a copy of "Search Inside Yourself" if you can. It is an excellent intro to mindfulness from a Google engineer.

Don't bring me down. No, no, no, no, no. - ELO

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